Christmas Bird Counts
Sioux Falls CBC- December 21* date change
The Canton 2023 CBC, held December 30

Below is the tentative Sioux Falls CBC area map
On December 30, eight participants conducted the Canton CBC. There were scattered patches of snow and ice but mostly bare ground, and pretty much completely open water everywhere on the Big Sioux River. The weather stayed around 30 degrees all day, which was comfortable with the morning sun but was chilly in the afternoon with clouds and increased wind. We found 2,391 individuals of 44 species, which is exactly the number of species from last year and one above the average of 43 for the 12 years this count has been conducted.
Some notable finds included the count's first observations of Carolina Wren and Song Sparrow, as well as Pileated Woodpecker and Rusty Blackbird.
Eurasian Collared-Doves hit their highest mark (138), as did Snow Geese (420), while Blue Jays (21), American Crows (27), and Northern Cardinal (1) had record lows.
Raptors are usually plentiful on this count, but we found no falcons or Rough-Legged Hawks, and only 10 Red-tailed Hawks; both Red-tailed and Rough-legged are usually in the 20s or 30s. Bald Eagle numbers (21) were in line with previous years observations, as they seemed plentiful along the river.
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Chris Anderson Sioux Falls, SD
Results of Canton SD CBC,2023
2024 Canton CBC results
This past Saturday, December 27th, 10 birders participated in the Canton CBC. The weather was somewhat foggy to start the morning, but the sun came out and temperatures rose to the mid-50s during the afternoon. We found 1,508 individuals of 46 species, which tied our second-highest number of species (recorded in 2022) during the 14 years this count has been held, only behind the 2013 total of 53 species.
As is sometimes the case with this count, no waterfowl of any kind was observed. Most species numbers were in line with historical findings, but we did find a record 15 Golden-crowned Kinglets compared to the previous mark of nine, and four Harris's Sparrows, twice its previous high number of two. We also found a Hermit Thrush, a first for the count. Other highlights included Pileated Woodpecker, Eastern Bluebird, Harris's Sparrow, Brewer's Blackbird, and six different owl species.
Species usually found but not this year included Mourning Dove and Northern Shrike....
Sioux Falls 2024 CBC 12/14/24
14 field observers and 3 feeder watchers participated in the 85th Sioux Falls Christmas Bird Count.
We had mostly overcast skies with some south breeze and a spotty inch of snow cover. A total of 9,303 individuals of 56 species were observed, which ties our high mark of 56 set in 2017. We also had two more species (Northern Pintail and Belted Kingfisher) observed during count week.
We eclipsed our previous high number of 1,525 Mallards on Saturday with 2,173, as well as previous highs of 111 Eurasian Collared-Doves and 2,732 Rock Pigeons with 130 and 2,944 respectively: Some notable species included: Cackling Goose (3) - 9th time observed on the count, Ring-necked Duck (1) - 6th time observed, Hooded Merganser (2) - 4th time observe, American Coot (1) - 10th time observed Chipping Sparrow (1) - 4th time observed, Fox Sparrow (1) - 7th time observed. Some species expected but not observed: Northern Shrike, Pine Siskin. Thanks to everyone who participated, and also a big thank you to the Freemans and Jeff Zimprich at Pasque Hill on Beaver Creek for allowing us to visit their large tracts of private land for the count.

Membership for one year is only a $5 donation
Send a check to: Bob Bork, SFBC Treasurer
8504 E 38th St, Sioux Falls, SD 57110
Include your address and email so we can send you our membership kit and get on our listserv so you can get up-to-date bird sightings for the area and notifications of field trips, etc.
The official club patch is free to members and $5 for non-members

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Blue Grosbeak, Our Club Bird